AMA is a glimpse into the future born from a need to experience ourselves outside the ordinary, to take ownership of our bodies and sensations, to experiment freedom and mutual embrace.

AMA è la creazione di uno spazio vivo.

AMA bietet Raum für einen facettenreichen Austausch, ist Nährboden für Kreativität, Solidarität und Gemeinschaft.

12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->
12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->
12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->
12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->12.10.24 CLUBBING w/ Ducato Driver, Davide Piras and SLT ->


12.10.24 CLUBBING: w/ Ducato driver, davide piras and slt

CLUBBING / Ducato Driver / Davide Piras / SLT

When: 12 October 2024
Time: from 23.00
Where: Spazioama – Via Giotto 5

𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘴, and we’re thrilled to be back!

✺ Membership is officially considered valid once the form has been filled out and payment has been successfully processed.

✺ Already an AMA member? Fantastic! Don’t forget to bring your membership card to the event. Remember to check your membership validity before.

✺ Contribution for the event at the door
5€ 23.00 – 00.00
15€ 00.00 – till the end
5€ all night long for @unibz students – bring your valid card with you!



SCLAVANIE / Davide Degano

When: 3rd October 2024 from 19.30 (Opening) / 4th October 2024 from 18:00 (Artist talk)
Time: from 19.30
Where: Spazioama – Via Giotto 5

AMA invites you to join our first photographic exhibition in our space ✨

SCLAVANIE (2015 – 2021) is a project that studies and narrates the rediscovery of the geographical microcosm of Friuli, a territory on the border between Italy and Slovenia with cultural and linguistic minorities, where part of my roots reside. “Davide Degano”

07.09.24 Castel Firmiano w/ Brando Lupi & Worg, Lois Lane, Youdiditagain, ALPI

AMA at Castel Firmiano / Schloss Sigmundskron

When: Saturday 7th September 2024
Time: from 18.00
Where: Castel Firmiano / Schloss Sigmundskron – Bolzano

AMA invites you to join us as we celebrate our first party after the summer break in a unique setting with great guests. ✨

Brando Lupi & Worg (live) – Rome
Lois Lane

€15.00 at the doors
Arrive between 18.00 and 20.00 to enjoy a free drink.

13+27.06.24 CERAMIC WORKSHOP w/ Mara Cimadon


Quando: Giovedì 13 + 27 Giugno
Orario: 19.00 – 22.00
Dove: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop riservato ai membri AMA

Libera la tua creatività con il nostro corso di ceramica! Impara a maneggiare l’argilla e le tecniche basilari. Crea il tuo lavoro in due incontri: il primo per modellare e il secondo dopo due settimane per smaltare.

Costo per partecipare ad entrambe le date del workshop 50€

Posti limitati
Per info e prenotazioni:


Wann: Donnerstag 13 + 27 Juni
Uhrzeit: 19.00 – 22.00 Uhr
Wo: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bozen
Workshop exklusiv für AMA-Mitglieder

Entfalte deine kreative Seite in unserem Keramikkurs! Lerne, Ton zu bearbeiten und grundlegende Techniken zu beherrschen. Schaffe dein eigenes Werk in zwei Sitzungen: erst Modellieren und nach zwei Wochen wird glasiert.

Teilnahmegebühr für beide Termine des Workshops: 50€

Begrenzte Plätze
Für Informationen und Reservierungen:

14.06.24 WORKSHOP: “Arti ribelli” – filolab W/ sonia lisco

“Arti Ribelli” Laboratorio di Filosofia 💭

Quando: Mercoledì 8 Maggio
Orario: 20.00 – 22.30
Dove: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop riservato ai membri AMA

Durante questo laboratorio di filosofia, esploreremo la connessione tra corpo e arte, partendo da testi filosofici e letterari. Leggendo e dialogando insieme, scopriremo che la filosofia è uno spazio di creazione comune, che attiva lo sguardo e muove il pensiero. Non sono richieste conoscenze filosofiche pregresse, ma solo la disposizione all’ascolto e al rispetto della condivisione.

Costo per partecipare al workshop 10€

Posti limitati
Per info e prenotazioni:

“Arti Ribelli” Laboratorio di Filosofia 💭

Wann: Mittwoch, 8. Mai
Uhrzeit: 20.00 – 22.30 Uhr
Wo: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bozen
Workshop exklusiv für AMA-Mitglieder

In diesem Philosophie-Workshop erkunden wir mittels philosophischer und literarischer Texte die Verbindung zwischen Körper und Kunst. Durch gemeinsames Lesen und Diskutieren erleben wir die Philosophie als einen ganzheitlichen Gestaltungsraum, der es uns erlaubt, unseren Blick zu schärfen und unsere Gedanken frei fließen zu lassen. Es bedarf keiner vorherigen philosophischen Kenntnisse, sondern lediglich der Bereitschaft zum Zuhören und respektvollen Austausch.

Teilnahmegebühr für den Workshop: 10 €

Begrenzte Plätze
Für Informationen und Reservierungen:


AMA ti invita a un viaggio straordinario attraverso l’universo! ✨

DOVE: Planetarium Südtirol Alto Adige, San Valentino in Campo 13, Cardano BZ
QUANDO: 25.05.2024

19:30 – 20:00
20:15 – 20:45
21:30 – 22:00

BIGLIETTI: Adulti: €13,00 Studenti: €8,00

L’evento si svolge presso il Planetario e presenta una suggestiva proiezione visiva, creata dall’artista multimediale Jérémie Arpa, intitolata “O”.
“O” esplora le componenti sferiche che compongono la vita dalla creazione all’aldilà, in un viaggio che celebra l’immaginazione e le connessioni ultraterrene. Queste immagini verranno accompagnate da sonorità atmosferiche del duo musicale elettronico ALPI.
Lo spettacolo sarà presentato tre volte in questa serata. Inoltre, dalle 19.00, gli ospiti possono godere di un set del DJ, bevande e snack nella zona all’aperto del planetario.

I biglietti sono disponibili a questo link:

AMA lädt dich auf eine außergewöhnliche Reise durch das Universum ein! ✨

WO: Planetarium Südtirol Alto Adige, San Valentino in Campo 13, Cardano BZ
WANN: 25.05.2024

19:30 – 20:00
20:15 – 20:45
21:30 – 22:00

TICKETS: Erwachsene: €13,00 Student*innen: €8,00

Die Veranstaltung findet im Planetarium statt und präsentiert eine beeindruckende visuelle Projektion, erstellt vom Multimedia-Künstler Jérémie Arpa, mit dem Titel “O”.
“O” erforscht die sphärischen Komponenten, die das Leben von seiner Entstehung bis zum Jenseits ausmachen, in einer Reise, die die Vorstellungskraft und überirdische Verbindungen zelebriert . Diese digitalen Bilder werden von atmosphärischen Ambient-Klängen des elektronischen Musikduos ALPI begleitet.
Die Vorführung wird an diesem Abend drei Mal präsentiert. Zusätzlich können die Gäste ein DJ-Set, Getränke und Snacks im Außenbereich des Planetariums genießen.

Tickets sind unter diesem Link erhältlich:

23+24.05.24 WORKSHOP: Esseri fuori corpo W/ Giulia tornarolli & Federica Basso

Esseri Fuori Corpo

Quando: Giovedì 23 e Venerdì 24 Maggio
Orario: 19.00 – 20.30
Dove: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop riservato ai membri AMA

Esseri Fuori Corpo è un laboratorio esperienziale di ricerca introspettiva ed educazione al corpo e al movimento. Si prefigge di indagare alcune modalità possibili di abitare il nostro corpo e i nostri spazi interiori attraverso esercitazioni pratiche legate alla propriocezione, alla consapevolezza fisica e psicologica, all’immaginazione, al riconoscimento delle sfumature emotive. Verranno utilizzate tecniche provenienti dalla danza, dalla contact-improvisation, dal teatro, dalla psicoterapia della Gestalt, dalla bioenergetica. Aumentare la propria consapevolezza permette di ampliare lo sguardo per osservare come ci si muove nel mondo e come ci si relaziona con gli altri.

Costo per partecipare ad entrambe le date del workshop 50€
Se non sei ancora tesserato, trovi il link in bio “become a member”

Per info e prenotazioni:

Esseri Fuori Corpo

Wann: Mittwoch 17. April
Uhrzeit: 19.00 – 20.30 Uhr
Wo: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bozen
Workshop exklusiv für AMA-Mitglieder

“Esseri Fuori Corpo” ist ein erlebnisorientierter Workshop zur introspektiven Erfahrung und Entwicklung im Bereich Körper und Bewegung. Durch praktische Übungen der Selbstwahrnehmung, der Imagination, des körperlichen und seelischen Befindens erforschen wir Gefühlsnuancen und zeigen Wege auf, unseren Körper und unsere inneren Räume zu bewohnen. Es werden Techniken aus Tanz, Kontaktimprovisation, Theater, Gestaltpsychotherapie und Bioenergetik eingesetzt. Der Workshop ermöglicht es uns, unseren Blick zu öffnen und zu beobachten, wie wir uns in der Welt bewegen und wie wir mit anderen in Beziehung stehen.

Teilnahmegebühr für beide Termine des Workshops: 50€
Falls du noch kein Mitglied bist, findest du den Link in der Bio unter “become a member”

Begrenzte Plätze

Für Informationen und Reservierungen:

11.05.24 CLUBBING W/ lazent, jojo vice

Finest house and tech grooves from the vinyl diggers “Lazent“, our local heroes and rising talent from Innsbruck (Austria) “Jojo Vice“. Get ready to dance, we do not promise to respect the closing time, we might dance longer!


08.05.24 WORKSHOP: “Arti ribelli” – filolab W/ sonia lisco

“Arti Ribelli” Laboratorio di Filosofia 💭

Quando: Mercoledì 8 Maggio
Orario: 20.00 – 22.30
Dove: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop riservato ai membri AMA

Durante questo laboratorio di filosofia, esploreremo la connessione tra corpo e arte, partendo da testi filosofici e letterari. Leggendo e dialogando insieme, scopriremo che la filosofia è uno spazio di creazione comune, che attiva lo sguardo e muove il pensiero. Non sono richieste conoscenze filosofiche pregresse, ma solo la disposizione all’ascolto e al rispetto della condivisione.

Costo per partecipare al workshop 10€

Posti limitati
Per info e prenotazioni:

“Arti Ribelli” Laboratorio di Filosofia 💭

Wann: Mittwoch, 8. Mai
Uhrzeit: 20.00 – 22.30 Uhr
Wo: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bozen
Workshop exklusiv für AMA-Mitglieder

In diesem Philosophie-Workshop erkunden wir mittels philosophischer und literarischer Texte die Verbindung zwischen Körper und Kunst. Durch gemeinsames Lesen und Diskutieren erleben wir die Philosophie als einen ganzheitlichen Gestaltungsraum, der es uns erlaubt, unseren Blick zu schärfen und unsere Gedanken frei fließen zu lassen. Es bedarf keiner vorherigen philosophischen Kenntnisse, sondern lediglich der Bereitschaft zum Zuhören und respektvollen Austausch.

Teilnahmegebühr für den Workshop: 10 €

Begrenzte Plätze
Für Informationen und Reservierungen:


Mindfulness 🧘🏽‍♀🧘🏽‍♂

Quando: Mercoledì 17 aprile
Orario: 19.00 – 20.30
Dove: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop riservato ai membri AMA

Scopri i benefici della Mindfulness e promuovi il tuo benessere psicologico. All’interno di spazioama ti aspetta una serata di meditazione con lo Psicologo del Benessere, istruttore certificato di Mindfulness e ideatore del Mindful Latemar, Thomas Bernagozzi.
La mindfulness è la capacità di essere presenti nel qui ed ora. Durante l‘incontro scoprirai diverse pratiche di mindfulness che ti porteranno a relazionarti in maniera diversa con i tuoi pensieri, potenziando la tua consapevolezza e il tuo pensiero creativo. Sarà un momento di benessere e di cura per te all‘interno di uno spazio inclusivo e creativo.

Quindi cosa aspetti ti aspettiamo e be mindful!!

*Porta un tappetino da yoga
*Indossa vestiti comodi

Costo per partecipare al workshop 10€
Se non sei ancora tesseratə, trovi il link in bio “become a member”

Posti limitati
Per info e prenotazioni:

Mindfulness 🧘🏽‍♀🧘🏽‍♂

Wann: Mittwoch 17. April
Uhrzeit: 19.00 – 20.30 Uhr
Wo: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bozen
Workshop exklusiv für AMA-Mitglieder

Entdecke die Vorteile der Achtsamkeit und fördere dein psychisches Wohlbefinden. Bei spazioma erwartet dich ein Meditationsabend mit dem Wohlfühpsychologen, zertifizierten Achtsamkeitslehrer und Gründer von Mindful Latemar, Thomas Bernagozzi. Achtsamkeit bedeutet, im Hier und Jetzt präsent zu sein. Während des Treffens wirst du verschiedene Achtsamkeitspraktiken kennenlernen, die dir helfen werden, auf eine andere Weise mit deinen Gedanken umzugehen und dein Bewusstsein sowie deine kreative Denkfähigkeit zu stärken. Es wird ein Moment des Wohlbefindens und der Selbstfürsorge in einem inklusiven und kreativen Raum sein.

*Bring eine Yogamatte
*Trage bequeme Kleidung

Teilnahmegebühr für den Workshop: 10€
Falls du noch kein Mitglied bist, findest du den Link in der Bio unter “become a member”

Begrenzte Plätze
Für Informationen und Reservierungen:


Local madness for spring welcoming clubbing gathering at spazioama. Expect some real groovy masterclass from our eclectic heroes. From captivating house vibes to pulsating techno rhythms, don’t forget to lace up your dancing shoes for a masterclass in groove!


  • 22:00 – 01:00 LXTR
  • 01:00 – 03:00 DAVIDE PIRAS
  • 03:00 – 05:00 ALPI

07.04.24 WORKSHOP: FIori di passaggio w/ elisa barison

“Fiori di Passaggio”

: Sunday, April 7
Time: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Where: SPAZIOAMA – Via Giotto, 5 – Bolzano
Workshop for AMA members only

We will make a flower arrangement with flowers and other plants that we will collect together during a walk in the industrial area in Bolzano. If you have gardening gloves, bring them, otherwise we have everything we need. You will be amazed at how many plants await you in this seemingly gray, man-made place 🙂

From 1 p.m. onward the space will open up to a wider audience, guests will be able to drop by to see your compositions, there will be a few little things to eat, drinks and a group of AMA residents to put on records!

Cost to attend the workshop €20.


The meeting will provide an important opportunity to discuss and decide on fundamental issues concerning our association. The main topics that will be discussed during the meeting are the following:
– Report on activities in the period 2022-2023: presenting the results of our cultural and social initiatives, as well as any problems encountered and solutions. – Exchange among members and collection of proposals to improve the effectiveness and impact of our activities. Your contribution is fundamental to the development and success of the association.
– Approval of the budget for the year 2024 and the annual accounts for the year 2023. These financial documents are crucial to ensure transparency and sustainability of our activities.
– Election of the new Board of Directors who will lead the association in the coming years.
We invite all interested members to apply for this position and submit their candidacy by the set deadline of March 20, 2024.

25.03.24 WORKSHOP: VINYL GROOVE Part ii w/ cristian rot

Explore the world of vinyl music!
Where: Via Giotto 5
Teacher: Cristian Rot (Riot)

Basic workshop to introduce yourself to the art of DJing starting with the setup of turntables, mixer and their features. Hands-on practice from adjusting the speed to setting up two vinyl records.

Cost to attend both workshop dates €20.
If you are not yet a member, click “become a member”.
For info and reservations:


This time we invite our friends Viels and Outburst Knobs, both resident of Aquario, a project born back in 2016 in Milan held at Masada and Amelia. Expect an extended groovy and techno set focused on rare vinyls heated up by our lovely talented SLT and Marian (Lazent). Viels is the co-owner of “End Of Perception” and just released on label such as Warm Up, Non Series and Semantica Records and it will appear soon again on Dynamic Reflection, Mord Records and Attic. With an increasing interest and having performed in quality clubs like Tresor, Perron, Cassette, Schron and shared the booth with the likes of Oscar Mulero, Svreca and Dasha Rush to name a few, Viels is establishing himself as part of a new wave of djs and producers approaching the contemporary techno scene.

18.03.24 WORKSHOP: VINYL GROOVE Part i w/ cristian rot

Explore the world of vinyl music!
Where: Via Giotto 5
Teacher: Cristian Rot (Riot)

Basic workshop to introduce yourself to the art of DJing starting with the setup of turntables, mixer and their features. Hands-on practice from adjusting the speed to setting up two vinyl records.

Cost to attend both workshop dates €20.
If you are not yet a member, click “become a member”.
For info and reservations:

24.02.24 CLUBBING w/ boyrebecca, rifugio amore, marco pizzini, falco

First collaboration and live performance experience together with the Trento queer collective “Rifugio Amore” providing some real “spacco tutto” madness with Boyrebecca, Enis and Darius.

To complete the atmosphere we invited some long-time players in the scene from Torino: Rythme with Marco Pizzini and Falco.

Expect the unexpected.

30.01.24 WORKSHOP w/ egeon – disegni senza pretese

Hands-on drawing workshop!

Where: Via Giotto 5
Teacher: Egeon

Egeon, class of 1990 is an artist based in Bolzano, Italy.

Egeon’s research path draws inspiration from humans and their behaviors, exploring the cognitive and affective maps that guide the human mind and define our perception of reality.

A path that in parallel has delineated a recognizable style in veils and soft watercolor brushstrokes, unprecedented for the large surfaces of building facades.

His urban art interventions can be seen in many Italian and foreign cities: Milan, Bologna, Bolzano, Bolzano, Turin, Boa Vista, Bonifacio, Athens, Berlin, Rotterdam.

Cost to attend workshop €10.
If you are not yet a member, click “become a member”.
For info and reservations:

27.01.24 CLUBBING w/ Mattia lorenzi, d_roots, veloziped, alpi

Local finest DJs for our first night of the year at home.

Expect immersive sounds from the groovy vinyl rarities of Mattia Lorenzi B2B D_Roots after his last appearance on Steffi’s Dolly Records to the stomping basslines provided by our long time friend Veloziped.

Residents ALPI at the closing duties for an hypnotic cuddling to the dawn.

16.12.23 CLUBBING w/ Alice oceanicmood, david silver, lazent

Alice Oceanicmood is the DJ behind the Cipria project, an inclusive little paradise, active since 2012, that has been mainly concerned with creating a safe space where people are free to let loose and especially the female presence is not experienced as a marketing element.
Through a crew of creatives of the most diverse talents, it brought good vibes to the sound of parties throughout the Veneto region.
When the founder of Cipria expresses herself from the DJ booth her selection is always full of happy music, from disco to electro, funk to boogie, Brazilian music to carribean sound.
The first woman invited to the 180 gr format, she has also been on air on the frequencies of Red Light Radio. Recently interviewed on Refuge Worldwide, she talked about foundation and 10 years of realness within the project.

18.11.23 CLUBBING w/ Hydrangea, ALPI, davide piras

Hydrangea is a French electronic producer, doing techno music deeply inspired by nature and its surroundings. She began producing music in early 2014, influenced mainly by the deep and hypnotic Italian techno.

So far, the Annulled Music imprint has released Hydrangea’s debut album, called ‘Dawn Lights’, a sensorial trip that captures each of your senses. She also released an EP on Two&Two Records and tracks on VA compilations, such as The Wandering II Compilation out on Silent Season.

Besides being constantly preoccupied in reshaping her sound and developing new ways of expression through music, she’s also a graphic designer and photographer under the alias Horty Shooter, managing the artworks for different music releases and graphic art projects.

AMA – Art Music Architecture APS P.IVA 03183940216 C.F. 94152550219
